

Paint Swatch Nature Scavenger Hunt

Nature's colors are gorgeous. Here in Northern California our leaves are still mostly green in mid-November (they usually fall in mid-December), but nature's colors are on display in the flowers, bushes, and grasses. Regardless of the season, nature always offers such beauty. 

A Paint Swatch Scavenger Hunt fun activity for kids (and adults!) to do together. Simply cut swatches of white cardstock or index cards, paint them with Folk Art paint (affiliate link), and let them dry. Then punch a hole in the corners and put them on a binder ring. Then take your paint swatches and a camera and head outdoors!

Trevor and I put on our masks and took our paint swatches for a walk through our neighborhood. We found leaves to match all four of our green swatches...

... and flowers that were exactly the color of the oranges and yellows. 

We found mulch and bark to match the browns. 


The sky wasn't a perfect match for our blue, but we photographed it anyway. What a gorgeous color!

The best thing about making a set of paint swatches is that you can use them over and over. Use them in different locations, or in the same location across different seasons. Nature is constantly changing and this scavenger hunt is a great way to get out and appreciate its beauty. 


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