

Mural at Bancroft Garden

As promised, here is the layout that prompted me to break my own scrapbooking rule. I only sort-of broke it, because the first photo is from 2016. I blogged about that event right after it happened, but it took 4.5 years to be able to finish the story. 

Mural at Bancroft Garden (affiliate link)

If you click the link to view a close-up of this layout on, you'll see that I used a white gelly roll pen on this page. If you can't tell where I used it, good! That was the goal. I didn't have enough of the correct white-on-orange Studio Calico letter stickers to spell out the title and dates, so I had to do a little creative manipulation with the white pen. Take a close look and see if you can find the two letters that I altered.
If you spotted that the R in garden used to be a P, or that the N in Jan used to be an H... well, you have better eyesight than I do!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! You are such a maximalist when it comes to journaling!


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