

Photoplay Paper 'Thinking of You' Cards

I don't share all the cards I make here on the blog. I'd say that for every 10 cards I make, I share an average of 5. Some cards are repetitive, or variations on a card I've shared before. Others have a technique I was experimenting with that either didn't work or I didn't like. Sometimes, I just don't have anything to say about a particular card. 

Today I thought I'd show you all the cards I made in a single session using one paper collection.    

Thinking of You (affiliate link)

Ordinarily, I would have picked a sampling of my favorite cards to share rather than all of them. For example, I would never have posted all three cards featuring the same striped paper and border with white space. The two butterfly cards are way too similar for me to bother showing them both, as are the two 'With Sympathy' floral cards. I suppose there's a case to be made by sharing everything, but I'm probably going to continue sharing only a portion of the cards I create.


  1. They are so pretty!
    P/s: I share every card I make because I don't mass produce or do variations of a design since I only utilize scraps on my cards.


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