

Colored Pencil Magazine

For purposes of research, I bought an issue of Colored Pencil Magazine. I didn't buy it because I’m addicted to colored pencils - we’ve already confirmed I am not. Besides, if I were addicted, I would have bought a subscription, not just a single issue. Ok, so actually it was two issues, because what if I ended up picking an issue that was significantly better or worse than average? Much better to buy two. 

I bought a paper copy of the November 2021 issue (which came with a link to download the same issue digitally), as well as a digital copy of the October 2021 issue. Affiliate links here and throughout the post. 


I was delighted when my hard copy showed up just a few days after I placed my order. I’d expected to have to wait weeks. After I finished reading that magazine, I read the October one digitally. 

Overall, I was very happy with both. The artwork was gorgeous and inspiring. There was a heavy emphasis on technique that I liked. The articles were interesting and well-written (though the copy editor in me saw a few typos that shouldn’t have made it to print). The October issue had a fantasy/magic theme, which is not my thing. While I still enjoyed the issue and read it cover-to-cover (twice), I definitely preferred the November issue.

My favorite article from everything in both issues was a feature on the artwork of Catherine Scartaccini. Her teeny drawings are absolutely incredible, and the article about how (and why) she makes them was so interesting. Honestly, it's worth it to buy the November 2021 issue just for that article. Bonus that there are so many other interesting things in there!

So, would I recommend Colored Pencil Magazine? Yes, without hesitation! I will almost certainly be buying more issues in the future. 

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