

3rd Grade

We're in the final stretches of 4th grade, so I'm happy to get 3rd grade done and into the album.

I'm hoping to make a good dent in the pile of half-done layouts so that I can start with a clean slate for National Scrapbook Day. Eighteen days to go!


  1. I finally got a coveted spot at my LSS crop for that day! So excited!!! LOVING your page! LOVING the grid design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the use of red here! Good luck on getting those half-done layouts completed!

  3. I like the clean look of this page- my favorite style.

    I will be celebrating at our old place for NSD, but a week later. I guess I get extra time to prepare. ;)

  4. I never participate in NSD.
    I can barely keep up w/ my regular scrapping and NSD makes me feel like I need to work in FFWD!
    I was just looking over the "NSD Preview" at and it was giving me anxiety!


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