

Update on Little Passports 50 States Album ... and a Giveaway!

Time for another update on Trevor's Little Passports 50 states album! You may remember that Trevor's Aunt Teri gave him a subscription to the USA Edition of the Little Passports monthly kit for Christmas 2013. After an initial welcome package, Trevor received a monthly package with travel journals, stickers, postcards, 3-D models and more, focused on two different states. This continued for 25 months until he had received the kits for all 50 states. Trevor LOVED it. Seriously - best gift ever. 

After a few months, Trevor and I started removing the postcards from each kit and putting them into a 50-page album to document Trevor's first visit to each of the 50 states. Each page has the Little Passports postcard on top, journaling in the middle, and a photo of Trevor in that state at the bottom. You can see Trevor's completed pages here:

Trevor has visited two states in addition to the ones listed. We'd been waiting for the last packets to arrive to get the postcards to complete the pages. Here are Nevada and Maine:

While we are both very disappointed that we've come to the end of the Little Passports USA Edition, we are excited to keep filling in his 50 states album. If all goes as planned, Trevor should be visiting his 15th state this summer. With 35 more states after that, there will be plenty of traveling ahead for the deRosiers!

I can't say enough good things about Little Passports. It's a GREAT gift for your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, godchildren, or any other special kids in your life. Or, if you're looking for a one-time gift rather than a subscription, may I suggest the Little Passports World Coin Collection?

I was an avid coin collector as a kid. Trevor loves going through the coins he's gotten during our travels or the ones family members have brought back for him from places they've been. Coin collecting such a fun and affordable way to learn about the world. The Little Passports World Coin Collection includes 20 coins, a storage pouch, a magnifying glass, and a booklet with coin activities and trivia. I haven't seen it in person yet, but Trevor's birthday is coming up in June and I'll know more then. :)

In the meantime....  you might have noticed the word GIVEAWAY in the title of this post. That's right! One of you will win a 3-month subscription to the USA Edition or the World Edition, generously provided by Little Passports. For a chance to win, leave a comment by Wednesday, April 27 telling me who would receive the subscription and why you think he or she would enjoy it. The recipient must live in one of 16 countries, found on the bottom right of the Little Passports homepage. Good luck!


  1. So fun! Can't wait to see your future travel pages!!!!!!! And that coin collection seems interesting!!! Brookie loved her subscription when she had it!!!

  2. This is so cool. I have been thinking about this for my youngest, but he is one of six and I just can't decide if the cost/benefit ratio is worth it yet.

  3. I'm so glad that Trevor has enjoyed this. I love the album you two have put together. If I won, I would give it to my nephew who's in 1st grade. He's already been to at least 7 states!

  4. How fun. I would give it to my eldest A.

  5. We love traveling as a family so it makes me very happy to read about your family traveling. 👍We're going to the Midwest again this summer & it's a trip I honestly look forward to every 2 years (reunion). If I won, I would give it to my daughter Danielle.

  6. Love the album that you are putting together. What an extra special way to document Trevor's travels and what great family adventures you will have.
    If I won I would give it to my grandson.

  7. Trevor is one well-traveled little boy (which means you and/or Steve are well-traveled also!)
    I don't have anyone I could give it to, so I'm not trying to win the giveaway. Just wanted to chime in that I think it's great that he enjoyed the project! Learning and having fun while doing it is the best!

  8. Thank you for sharing this Cindy! Your blog is so fun to read! If I won this Giveaway I would give it my niece Yzabel because being in a military family she has seen LOTS of places and it would be fun for her to document them this way!! :)

  9. Cindy, this is cool! I should start reading your blog. If I won I would give it to my oldest to encourage a thrill for travel. Personally, I collect magnets of the states I've visited and am up to 32. I'll add one more this summer.

    1. I don't know why this anonymous, it was me, shawnee. =)

  10. What a wonderful gift idea! I have two grandson's around Trevor's age. They love maps and coins from other states and countries. This sounds like something they would love! I would definitely give it to them if I won.

  11. What a great activity! Maddie and David would love this, especially since we have family all over the United States that they don't get to travel to very often.

  12. So awesome to see the continuation of Trevor's book! Hope you continue with the world edition so you'll have a good excuse to use your passports too! ;)

  13. Any of my 4 would love this! They're my little travelers and always asking where are we going next!

  14. What fun! My 8 year old is the writer/artist and would love this. She has the family travel bug and loves to learn about new places. Great idea! - Cora

  15. This looks fun! If we win, my 6 and 4 year old daughters would love it. They enjoy looking at maps!

  16. I think his album is awesome and it's super cool that you plan to bring him to all 50 states! If we won, I'd share the kit between my three kids and we would use it as a supplement to our homeschool studies.

  17. We would be having fun with this next year in my homeschool. My 8 year old would probably enjoy it the most.

  18. I would give it to Robby

  19. All of the boys would love this, especially Aiden. What a great idea! (Ginger Kennedy)

  20. I have seen these before and wondered about them. I would give it to my son. I think it is always cool to learn about the places around us.


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