


If you're reading this in your email or in a reader, you may not have noticed that I've made some changes here at My Creative Life. First, I've increased the width of the blog itself so that you are able to see more content on your screen without scrolling. This meant I needed a new header to fit the larger space. It no longer features my collection of One Little Word tags. I think it is more in line with my brand and serves as a better introduction for new readers.

I've also moved some things around. The month's most popular posts now appear directly below my photo rather than hidden further down. I hope this will make it easier for visitors to get a sense of what I share on my blog.

Finally, I've added a page of product recommendations. You can see it on the far right of the navigation bar under the header. I started with scrapbooking supplies, since people ask me all the time what adhesives I like, what trimmers I use, and what cardstock is best. I'll be adding other product recommendations soon.

More changes coming. All for the better. I promise. 

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