

Predicting Trends for 2017

In five days, I will be headed to Phoenix for the Craft and Hobby Association's Creativation Show. I've literally been counting down the days since arriving home from last year's show. I always return recharged and so inspired to create, create, create!

I will be packing a ridiculous number of classes, events and activities into my time at the show. I'm registered for 13 classes related to blogging, social media, branding, and crafts. I'm attending the opening party, a craft blogger meet-up, the new product reception, the annual CHA business meeting and town hall, the keynote address and the after-party. I have meetings and roundtables. Between all that, I'll be spending about 24 hours over 3 days on the trade show floor, learning about new products and trends in crafting.

Yes, trends. It's well-established that I am not an especially trendy person (except for that one time when I was the most super-trendy person ever!) but I do love trying to predict and identify the trends that others will actually follow. Based on all the sneak peeks I've been seeing, it's time to share my predictions for....

I made this graphic with PicMonkey, using one of the color combinations I think will trend in 2017. I'm seeing a lot of teal, pink and black, with mint thrown in as well, particularly in patterned papers and planner supplies. I'm hoping Greenery will be evident at the show; I'm not seeing much of it in the sneak peeks. 

Here are some other trends I'm seeing that I think will be big this year:

What do you think will trend in 2017? Any predictions, thoughts or hopes?


  1. I have seen a few llamas in the sneaks, so I agree with you there! :) And I saw some cacti too ... which I find funny, since they are only prominent in the desert, so I can't see the pull to other climates that don't have them - and those of us that live in the desert, don't find them that attractive! LOL!!!

  2. I had to think about this for a bit. I also walked through Target this morning with your question in mind looking for design trends in the products sold there. I agree with the unicorns, llamas, cacti, flamingo and yeti. I'm thinking gold, watercolor and confetti or sequins. I think the planner game is very strong.

    What do you think about the coloring book trend? Do you think it will continue this year?

  3. Yes, definitely planners! And I agree with gold, watercolors, and confetti/sequins.

    I think the coloring books will continue, but not nearly as strong. Companies adding them recently are entering an over-saturated market, so I don't anticipate anyone else entering the coloring book scene with any success. But I don't think they're going away altogether either.

    1. The coloring books are EVERYWHERE.
      Another thing that popped into my head is more embroidery, also.

  4. I loved this blog post! It's so cool how your predictions came true, Cindy!


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