

Too Close for Comfort

Last summer, we had a car accident on our way up to my inlaws' cabin in Bear Valley. A large piece of wood, the size and shape of a large cabinet door, came flying end-over-end from an oncoming truck. (Yes, oncoming.) Steve was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Trevor was in the back. There was no way to avoid being hit. One corner of the board slammed into the very front of the hood on the passenger side, then the second corner hit higher on the hood, and the third corner came through the windshield. The board stopped inches from my face. I was covered in glass, but because it was safety glass, I didn't have a single cut even though I had to pick out dozens of pellets of glass embedded in my arms and legs. CHP came promptly and we got towed to a nearby town. The friends who were scheduled to join us at the cabin later that day swung by to get us on the way up, so at least we had a great weekend after the horrible start.    

I scrapped about our fun at the cabin just a few months after the trip, but it took me a full year before I could print photos from the accident on the way there and scrap them. 

Much Too Close for Comfort (affiliate link)

I kept the layout very simple to let the photos (and my journaling) tell the story. The yellow stickers are from Discover the USA by Paper House Productions; the designer probably wasn't thinking of car accidents when she designed this road-trip themed collection, but it totally works. As difficult as it was to make, I'm very glad to have this layout in the album. 


  1. What a great page to remember this difficult day. Yes, It takes time to process a serious accident like that. My husband's car was hit with a large rock from an oncoming truck about a year ago, but he was fortunate that it did not hit the windshield. Glad you were all okay. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  2. Wow! How SCARY!!! So glad you were all ok! Loving that you documented this!

  3. Oh my gosh, Cindy. The fact that everyone was ok after the terrible accident is a miracle! I am happy that you were able to enjoy your trip afterwards. What a page you made - it totally documents what happened to you that day.

  4. Yikes! Glad you were all okay, and that you were able to still enjoy a fun weekend! I could imagine this was tough to scrap but like that you did so anyway.

  5. Must have been scary. Glad you were all okay. Nicely documented.


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