

Shredded Money Ornament (with Hidden Bills Inside!)

I know you've all been waiting impatiently to see the latest money gift I made for my nephew, Timothy. OK, maybe you haven't, but I'VE been waiting impatiently to tell you about it! Check out this delightful ornament. 

It's filled with real, actual shredded money! You might remember that this was a free souvenir from our visit to the awesome Money Museum last summer. 

Of course, I included real, actual non-shredded money as well. I'm not a monster. Affiliate links below. 


Shredded Money Ornament



Roll up the non-shredded money into a little packet and tie it with embroidery floss. 

Remove the ornament top and add a layer of shredded money. (A cheap funnel makes this easy. You'd be surprised how often a funnel comes in handy when crafting.) Drop the rolled money on top. 

Continue adding shredded money until the ornament is completely full. You shouldn't be able to see the real money. Give it an aggressive shake to make sure everything is packed in tightly. 

Replace the ornament top. Add the monogram sticker and a hanger and your gift is ready to give.


*For fun, I typed in "money" on Amazon to see what would come up. Apparently, money is a popular theme for parties and home decor!


  1. HA!!! You aren't a monster!! That cracked me up!! This is soooooooo clever! I love it!


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