

Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018 is in the album!

Christmas 2018

For this page, I really wanted to use the newsprint patterned paper as my background, but I only had a single sheet. With some careful cutting, I used it across the top of both pages, then did the same thing with the red paper at the bottom. I'd originally had the photo blocks flipped (intending to put a title in the top left and the journaling would be in the bottom right), but by inverting them and using the patterned paper as a title, the little bird at the top of the tree is looking directly at the title. The snowflakes form a visual triangle along with the title and bird, which also highlights the gift my inlaws had just opened (a slightly modified version of this, which they'd requested). I'm happy with how this turned out.

Incidentally, you may have noticed that I added a Scrapbooking tab to my website. I've posted a (very) small sample of the layouts I've made that represent my style, as well as links to my favorite basic scrapbook supplies.


  1. I "cheat" the same way with just 1 sheet of patterned paper! *high fives*
    Looks great!

  2. I initially thought the newsprint was your journaling. That would be a lot, even for you! I llove that my llama made it into a few of the pictures. :)

  3. So COOL how you used that newsprint paper!!!!! I loveeeeeee this!!!!


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