

Bash Bowl 2022: The Rainbow Costume (Halloween 2021)

Sadly, Bash Bowl 2022 has come to an end. I've had so much fun challenging myself with each week's Playbook. This is my second (and final) layout from Week 4: 
This page, about our three-person rainbow Halloween costume, was so much fun to make! I started by tracing a circle onto white cardstock, then placed punched circles to define the space for each color. Then it was just a matter of finding stickers, punches, and other doodads to fill in the space. 

Here's the before picture: 

I earned 4 points for Team Twisted Scissors: 1 for the dotted paper, 2 for the clusters (I consider each color to be its own cluster), and one for the completed page. Again, it would have been really easy to add brads and get the extra point, but it was more important to me to keep my page flat. I thought about working triangles into the page, but since they had to be at least 1", they didn't play well with my other elements. Ultimately, being happy with the page is more important than scoring points, and I am very happy with this page. 

My lack of brads and triangles ultimately didn't matter. Twisted Scissors claimed the victory for Game 4 and overall!

I'm thrilled with how many pages I made during Bash Bowl 2022 and definitely plan to make this an annual tradition. 

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