

Eagle Scout Court of Honor - Confetti Monogram

As I mentioned yesterday, our Scout troop has two large bins of supplies donated from past Eagle Courts of Honor. There are banners, tablecloths, ribbons, and artificial flowers in patriotic colors, that sort of thing. There's also confetti. A LOT of confetti. Multiple past Eagle moms have bought confetti for their sons' Courts of Honor, then decided against using it when they thought about cleanup. This monogram is the second of two projects I made using some of that confetti. 

Confetti Monogram



Add a coat of gesso to the unfinished monogram. Let it dry completely. 

Spread a thin layer of Mod Podge onto the monogram. Add the confetti. When the Mod Podge is completely dry, add another thin coat on top of the confetti. When dry, add a third coat to ensure the confetti will not come off.

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