

Food Network Magazine's Great American Food Quiz

One of my favorite things about traveling is trying new-to-me foods, particularly if they're local favorites. I found this amazing 50-states food quiz in the July/August 2022 issue of Food Network Magazine (affiliate link here and below) that I've been wanting to share. We've many of these signature foods in their state (and made others through the Little Passports USA Edition). Food + US travel in the form of a fun quiz... everything that I love!

I thought it would be fun to look back on where we've tried this dishes. I'll include links, but won't call out the states in case you want to do the quiz yourself. In many cases, we've had the food regularly but not in the particular state, so I won't be linking those. 

Misson Burrito, a family favorite. Sugar Cream Pie - tasty, but rich. Jambalaya: we like ours with minimal heat.  Hot Brown - YUM! Caramel and Cheddar Popcorn - a strange but tasty combination. Moravian Cookies - so good! Onion burger - this is how I want my burger from now on. 

Christmas enchiladas - delicious! Smith Island Cake - very glad we tracked one down. Cuban sandwich - Trevor makes (and orders) this all the time now. Detroit-style pizza, the easiest one to guess on the list and totally delicious. Huckleberry jam - technically, we had huckleberry sauce over cheesecake, but that's just jam without the pectin. Toasted ravioli - we all like it, but Steve loooooves it. 

Cheese curds - fresh or fried, both delicious. Boston Cream Pie - perhaps even easier to guess than the Detroit-style pizza. Pepperoni rolls - so good. And even better without pepperoni for those of us who don't really like it. Hot chicken is too spicy for me. I prefer the not-hot version. Slippery dumplings - love them!

Here are the answers, if you were playing along. 

As you know, we only have six more states to visit before we've been to all 50. I don't see us eating white clam pie in Connecticut (none of us like clams). I don't like coffee, but I'm willing to try coffee milk in Rhode Island. (The more diluted the coffee, the better!) We will all be enjoying a maple creemee in Vermont. If I can find Grape Nuts pudding in New Hampshire, I'm in. I will happily try fleischkuekle in North Dakota and I've already figured out where we'll be eating chislic in South Dakota. 


  1. 6 more to go? Doing really well on the goal. I say be more adventurous and try the clam pie. *LOL*

    1. I've eaten clams plenty of times and don't like them, so it wouldn't be an adventure. We'd end up picking off all the clams and they'd go to waste. I strongly believe food shouldn't be wasted, especially if it's an animal that gave its life.


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