
Working with Raptors (A Senior Project Update)

Things have been really busy around here recently. Busy in a good way. Trevor's senior year of high school is coming to an end, which means there are a lot of special things on the calendar. And since Trevor doesn't have his driver's license yet, that means I get to attend them all too. It's not what we'd originally planned, but it's been a blessing in disguise. If Trevor had driven himself, I wouldn't have gotten this picture. 

As part of his Senior Project, Trevor spent a full day during his spring break at the California Raptor Center (where he did his Eagle Scout project) on the UC Davis campus. He learned about all that goes on behind the scenes to keep the non-releasable resident raptors well cared for and to rehabilitate the releasable rescues. Highlights of his day included feeding the birds, watching a test flight in a nearby field, meeting the rescued owlets currently under care, and learning how to handle a raptor on the glove. That's Grasshopper, a non-releasable male Swainson's hawk. 

Trevor has had wonderful experiences so far during his Senior Project. He's been to wildlife rescues, sanctuaries, museums, nature centers, and zoos, where he's been able to learn about careers in wildlife conservation. He is really excited to take the next steps toward a career in wildlife conservation. Which brings me to the news that Trevor has officially accepted the offer to attend UC Davis in the fall, where he will major in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology! We are so excited for him. 

I'll tell you more about Trevor's college plans tomorrow, but for now I want to come back to his Senior Project. He is completing the last observations and interviews, and will soon be compiling everything into a finished presentation. He and his fellow seniors will share their year-long projects during the Senior Showcase on Friday, May 10 at Solano Community College. If you are local and interested in seeing what a diverse group of 99 college-bound teens chose to study for a year, I highly recommend it. I've attended for the past three years (virtually during COVID) and love seeing everyone's projects. 


  1. Nice to see that you have an Eagle Scout. I do as well and have been a Scout leader for many years. So glad I got to meet you at the conference this weekend!

  2. Amazing! Trevor is such an accomplished young man. Such a wonderful future in front of him.

  3. Love that he's really passionate about wildlife conservation.

  4. So proud of Trevor! Congratulations!


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