My word for 2024 is Learn.

Learning is pretty much my favorite thing to do. I love learning new skills or new information. I prefer non-fiction books and movies. My favorite TV shows include The Amazing Race, Project Runway, and Top Chef... all shows where I walk away having learned something. I love trivia and quizzes and the daily emails I get from I love learning new Spanish words through Duolingo (not verb tenses though - ugh). Learning something I didn't know before is awesome and I can't wait to spend 2024 learning everything I can.
As always, this year's One Little Word doesn't replace the previous words I chose. I continue to live with Balance, Celebrate, Try, Enjoy, Relax, Share, Connect, Believe, Reach, Focus, Strengthen, Thrive, and Play. All fourteen tags hang together in the craft room to motivate me. There are seven on the first string.
Learn joins Believe, Reach, Focus, Strengthen, Thrive, and Play on a second string of tags. They hang directly below the first.
Good for you...I love learning too. I don't really do one little words..but if I did, it would be "breathe" that I can deal with whatever comes my way.