
Christmas Means Family

Here's a simple layout from Christmas 2012.  That's our family of three in the upper right.  The bottom left is us with Steve's parents, sisters, brother-in-law, and nephews.  The bottom right is us with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.  

It makes me happy.  As does Trevor's snowman sweater.  If the best thing about Christmas is time with family, the second best thing about Christmas is snowmen.  


  1. Beautiful! I loveeeee the photos and the jingle bells!!!!

  2. LOVE this layout!!! Perfect title and I love the embellishments!! The pics are awesome too :)

  3. What a neat family layout...love that everyone cooperated...will never happen in my family! lol

  4. What a sweet layout! I love that garland of jingle bells! :)


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