It's been awhile since the last time I mentioned StickTogether here on the blog, and I am so excited to show you my latest StickTogether project!
Do you recognize that handsome face? It's not just any rabbit. It's Trouble! StickTogether offers custom designs so that you can create a pixelated mosaic poster of a beloved pet, a person, or whatever else you'd like. The process is simple. Contact StickTogether (and tell them Cindy deRosier sent you!) with a photo you'd like to turn into a poster, and they will get back to you with a quote if the design will work when pixelated.
I sent in this image:
And I got this proof back:

I thought the fence was distracting, so I asked them to take that out and they were happy to do so. My poster arrived in a mailing tube with all the stickers I needed. I've been working on it for awhile and have found that it is a great form of stress relief. And I am so happy with the finished artwork! The photo at the top of the post was taken from up close. Here is what it looks like about 8 feet back:
And when I back up way into the kitchen, it looks even better.
I'm planning to frame it and find a place where it can be viewed easily from a distance or up close. Thank you so much to StickTogether for a poster that was fun to make and that I'll treasure for years.
I’m so glad you covered this. I’ve been wondering about doing this for a band event. How long has it taken you? Did Trevor help and what did he think?
ReplyDeleteIt's really hard to estimate how long it took me, as I added a few stickers every time I passed by, rather than working on it steadily. StickTogether says most people do 10-12 stickers a minute and this large format design has 7040 stickers. Trevor helped work on it; he loves it. Others helped as well and most people really enjoyed how mindless and social it is. You can easily stand around it and chat as you sticker.
DeleteThis looks AMAZING!!! I love it!!!!!