
Thank Goodness for Good Neighbors

I love our neighborhood.  We've lived here for 9 years and are blessed with some wonderful neighbors. Over the years, we've had a few less-than-wonderful neighbors, so it makes us appreciate the great ones even more. Our neighbors watch our house, bunnysit when we're away, and bring us treats. They lend us tools, invite us over, and or simply wave hello. They're fantastic.

Most of us know our immediate neighbors pretty well, but there's one couple in the neighborhood who know pretty much everyone in the development. They are our Neighborhood Watch coordinators and they are awesome.  Each year, they throw a huge party for National Night Out. They haul their BBQ out to their front yard and cook for all of us. There's a bounce house for the kids. They register the party with the city, which means that the fire department and police stop by for visits. It's incredible. We're headed there tonight and can't wait.

I made a little something to let them know just how much we appreciate them.     

Here's a close-up of the tag. It's hard to tell, but the edges of all the papers are inked with shimmery gold.

Thank goodness for good neighbors! 


  1. That is sooooooooo nice of you to make that for them!! LOVING the colors and that tag!!!

  2. You are so thoughtful! Your tag and gift are wonderful.

  3. Awww. Great project for a great neighbor!

  4. What a beautiful gift! I'm jealous of your neighbors. Ours are very standoffish and that stinks. Everyone works a lot and there are only a few kids around here.

  5. Such a sweet gift for awesome neighbours! It's great to live in a neighbourhood where you feel safe and appreciated too!

  6. How fun!! We love our neighbors... I should add this to my ever growing list of things that I want to do! What a great idea to give them something fun like this :)


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