
Kidding Around: Fingerprint Art

Trevor was so excited to get the email from Kidding Around saying that Day 13's activity was Fingerprint Art. I've mentioned before how much he LOVES fingerprint art. I love it too!

We used Ed Emberley's Complete Funprint Drawing Book for ideas (affiliate link). I love how Trevor's artwork turned out.  My favorite part is that he replaced the R's in his title with fish.  So cute!


Here's mine:

Even though we've done fingerprint art dozens of times before, it's been awhile. I love that the Kidding Around prompts are leading us to both try new things and revisit old favorites.


  1. I used to do fingerprint art when I was a little girl but I don't think eithe rof my kids have tried it! Wow!
    Love how creative you both were!

  2. I was thinking about doing this with my kids the other day but I couldn't remember that many animals. Very cool!

  3. So funny and cute! Each time I think one's my favorite, I notice another adorable one! :)

  4. Fun, fun, fun!! What a great class this turned out to be for you and Trevor this summer :)


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